Use professional and inexpensive short promo videos to get attention and followers.

Easy and affordable solution for independent artists.

Everyone knows that paid ads are often ineffective these days and unreliable for independent artists. There’s no need to elaborate; I’ll briefly summarize:

  • People use ad blockers.
  • Prices are high.
  • Provider statistics are not very trustworthy.
  • Issues with click farms.

So, what about that? People scroll more today than ever before. Forget articles and pictures; people want videos. Short, simple, and fun for quick bursts of dopamine. So, give it to them.

Concerned about the expense? Well, they can be costly, but you’re in the right place. The cost will be divided among enough people to make it affordable for you and pay bills for me. But not so many videos will be made that the same content saturates the web.

And for all that, you get reusable content. Sounds good?

FAQ: Shorts promo video created by Shubol3D

1: Engage Your Audience: These dynamic videos captivate existing fans and attract new ones across platforms like FB reels, YT shorts, TikTok, and Google Ads.
2: Increased Visibility: My experience shows that these animations receive 10+ times more views than my regular posts, significantly boosting promotional efforts.

Reusable Content: Since there’s no burned-in text, (unless you ask for it), these videos are reusable. You can use them to showcase new products and later modify text to promote discounts—all with the same engaging animation.

They were crafted by an artist with over 8 years of experience in the field and a history of satisfied clients, ensuring top-notch quality.

Prices for such animations on Upwork range from 120 to over 1000 €. I can offer you here the cost is divided among multiple clients, making it an affordable option for everyone.

Not Exclusive: While your animation won’t be exclusive, the creator’s daily limit of 5 finished ones ensures a low chance that your audience has seen a similar one. For comparison, Redbubble’s .psd templates are used by hundreds of thousands of creators, we’re talking dozens here.

It can be, but I don’t recommend it. Adding text yourself allows you to reuse videos for different purposes.

I’m not a fan of marketing activities. My passion lies in crafting beautiful things, and that’s where I prefer to direct my energy. I don’t find joy in building a brand, expanding an audience, setting up Google ads campaigns, and so on… My goal is to create, earn a sufficient income for my livelihood, and ensure my clients are satisfied.

It is easier than you may think. I will do some tutorials in the near future and some templates later.

NO! Pay only for what you get and reuse it as much as you want.

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