Please, make sure you are registered.

Step 1:

Prepare your images. Name your images according to their position in the video. For example, your “1 – cat.png” image will be placed in the “Your Sticker 1” position in the video. Your “2-dog.png” will be in the “Your Sticker 2” position and so on.

Step 2:

Send an email to Please, use the same email you used for registration to keep it simple.

  1. Enter the product name as the message’s subject, for example, “vid1 – Puzzle Sizes”.
  2. This video contains 5 puzzles, so you must attach or provide links to the 5 images you want to promote.
  3. Please, provide any additional information you consider relevant. It will speed ​​up the process and help you get exactly what you need without the hassle. It may be anything you want to change. Few examples:
    • T-shirt colors
    • Text at the end of the video
    • Change the color of the wall

Mail example:

vid02 and vid14


Images: stc01 - stc04.png
make wall red #ee3837 and furniture white #f1f1f1
Text1: "Awesome Stickers"
Text2: "Now 50% OFF on Redbubble"

t-shirt 1, color Redbubble Blue
t-shirt 2, color Redbubble Denim Heather
t-shirt 3, color #fe9900
t-shirt 4, color #fb1836
Images: shirt1.png - shirt4.png
Text1: "Best T-shirts designs ever"
Text2: "30% OFF until end of month"

Please, do not forget to attach all images and your logo.

Step 3:

I will check it and contact you as soon as possible with a tentative delivery date and payment details.

Step 4:

The download link will be sent to your e-mail immediately after I receive the money.

Aditional info:

Videos are typically produced within 1 or 2 business days. However, production may take up to a week during periods of high demand. You will always be informed of the estimated delivery time before you pay.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at

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